CV Database Jobs Recruitment

Mapping Your Recruitment

The recruitment has changed dramatically in the last decade or two. The older recruiters still remember the Rolodex and the Filofax. Faxing the CVs to the clients, well it wasn’t that long ago. Computers & internet replaced the paper-based systems. We, recruiters, become more productive and effective. Really? :)

The social networks changed the recruitment completely once again, but that’s not all. The whole other set of technologies are now at the recruiter’s disposal that we couldn’t dream of only a few short years ago. In this post, I will talk about the mapping software.

Mapping Software in Recruitment

How can Mapping Software help your Recruitment?

I was approached by an American company based on a talk I made on the last #TruDublin (The Recruitment Unconference) that was looking to set up in Ireland. They picked Ireland for the most common reason companies pick Ireland when setting up their HQ in Europe. They decided to set up a call centre in Ireland. I wonder if that is related to the staff number they had to promise to get their incentives, but that is another story. Their dilemma was about what is the best location in Ireland to set up. They looked at the obvious choices, as “close to the major Airports” and the usual locations the US multinationals are setting up. They asked me what are the benefits and drawbacks of Intel being in Lexlip, Microsoft in Sandyford, and Apple in Cork?

We looked at what type staff do they plan to hire here in Ireland. We looked at the cost of living, possible buildings they could rent and their availability in the Business Centers and Industrial Zones. Obvious choices in Dublin have been Sandyford, City West & East Point and a few buildings close to Google in the Docklands. Since the staff cost makes a large part of their running costs we looked at other locations in Ireland where the staff costs would be far less than in Dublin. And the move out of Dublin seemed to have a lot of sense. Actually the move away from all the major cities.

Where are the Candidates?

In this whole long-lasting exercise no one ever looked at where will the applicants came from. Where do people that will likely work there actually live? What we did is we have made a Recruitment Campaign in the various media. Mostly online since the IT knowledge was one of the requirements for those jobs anyway. We got plenty of CVs. What did with them I extracted the address of each applicant from the CV and used the location mapping software to show where the candidates are.

The resulting map instantly ruled out most of the country. We simply got no applications miles away from some of the most obvious spots like the Industrial Zones where most of the US multinationals are set up already. And the telesales/support roles we had are not much different than the other companies have.

What we learned is that if we didn’t use the map of the applicants we would have 90% chance to set up in the area with very little or no applicants for any the jobs.

CV Database Job Site LinkedIN Recruitment

LinkedIn Is A Great Tool For Recruitment

Some people say that LinkedIn is just a job board dressed up in a social media dress. I tend to disagree. In the same time, if you don’t know how to use LinkedIn, I completely understand your frustration. LinkedIn for you really might be just another job board. The fact that some people use it “better” than you, will mean that your applicant’s response will be lower than on any other good job board. Candidates simply rarely apply for jobs on LinkedIn. They do all other things but Apply for the jobs advertised.

The first thing stopping you to hire on LinkedIn is your small reach.

With up to 500 contacts, you are scraping the barrel really. You might as well just leave LinkedIn alone. Depending on the size of your market or your niche, to recruit in LinkedIn you really need to have access to thousands of people. Candidates AND clients.

LinkedIn Premium is a great product for a recruiter. In most cases you will need the “Full Network Visibility”, so the Talent Finder and Talent Pro are the versions you should consider. The Only difference is the double number of inmails you can send at a time.

There are also a number of advocates of using LinkedIn for recruitment without any subscription. I have seen that work, but realistically for a very small number of people. Why? It requires investment in time that a very few recruiters have. Building a network of thousands of very, very targeted contacts is hard and time-consuming.

Here is a live example that shows you the power of your LinkedIn network and reach.

LinkedIn Update Reach

A simple LinkedIn update in the first 24 hours got:
2433 views, 47 likes, 2 comments

Now let’s analyze the views:

  • 789 views are from the 1st connections – people I am connected with
  • 1342 views are from the 2nd connections – people my connections are connected with.
  • 305 views – are from the 3rd connections – and you know who those are by now! 

What this shows us is that my update was seen by more people I am not connected on LinkedIn than those I am connected to. The same goes for the Likes and the Comments actually.

The size of your network and the quality of your update will determine how many “eyes” will you get on it.

On social networks you actually have to behave quite social.

Only if you intend to be successful, that is.

Time is the most determining factor for most people when choosing if to use LinkedIn free or paid accounts. It is a bit like SEO and PPC. If you want to get instant results the paid account is the best for you. If you have been using LinkedIn for years, and have thousands of very targeted people you are connected to you will most likely get away without paying for your LinkedIn account.

Whatever way you decide to use LinkedIn, I can tell you only one thing: LinkedIn is a great tool for recruitment!

CV CV Database Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment

Enterprise Ireland must think it has a jobs board?

Someone was quite imaginative in Enterprise Ireland and have decided to put an end into the growing problems of Irish start-ups. How to stimulate growth and rapid expansion? If you can hire new staff easily it will help!

To enable this hyper-growth of Irish start-up the Enterprise Ireland have decided to help them do just that – by creating a jobs board! Like his country doesn’t have enough of them. And guess what – vast majority of them are struggling.

its_happening_hereIT’s Happening Here – is the Enterprise Ireland’s answer to the recruitment and staffing problems in Ireland. A job board. But not just like any other job board guys…

Enterprise Ireland is a state-funded company, so they had funds (yours and mine tax pays that) to make it done right. So unlike all the Irish jobs sites that popped up in the last years and failed to get any traction Enterprise Ireland did it very differently. They made sure their job site will stand out!

And it does. One of the features stands out more than the rest actually and it’s the:


Yes since they are not for profit they can do anything they want with their price. But here is the interesting twist. No, they didn’t make it free to use. Not, that would not really make a good story. They made the job site that is the most expensive!

€500 to advertise a job on Enterprise Ireland web site!

And guess what, they are not even sure if that includes VAT or not. Seriously. I asked. I was told that if I proceed with the registration it will tell me then.

God Bless Enterprise Ireland! What would we be without them…

Career Internet Interview Jobs LinkedIN Recruitment Recruitment Agency Social Recruitment

Is Phone interview enough? LinkedIn poll suggests…

The responses to the recent poll on LinkedIn:

When presented with a good IT candidate not available locally, would you do the phone interview?

Show that the phone interview is the way to start the interviewing process. Still, the majority of the recruiters would fly the top candidate in for the last round of the interview before the job offer is made.

You can see the results and put your vote here:

Google Internet Job Site Jobs Monster Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine SEO SERP Twitter

Google Penguin 2 and the Jobs in Ireland

Did you hear Google released a major update to Penguin 2 on Friday? Matt Cutts (the head of Google’s Webspam team) recently confirmed on his blog that Penguin 2.0 is now live.

So let’s see how did the Google Penguin 2 update affect our Irish online recruitment industry. Here is the search result page for the word “Jobs” made in

Make sure if you do this search yourself that you are not logged in into Google yourself, have removed the Google cookie, etc – so that you do not see the Google’s “Personalised” search result for you.

Here is the new ranking for the search word “jobs”:


So what can we conclude from the list of the sites that a are on the first page for the phrase jobs? By comparing what we have used to see there before the Google Penguin 2 update we can see what sites have been affected. Let’s start with the sites not affected by the update:

The SAON Group web sites leading with the purchased site on top and their original is steadily on top.

Nothing changed there for years. In fact may years. The last change there actually when overtook If my memory serves me correctly that was towards the end of 2005. Very shortly after that bought

So since 2005 the first two search results for the search for “jobs” have not changed in Ireland. So is Google doing much really with all these Panda, Penguin & Penguin 2 “updates”? Well in the last 7 years the results on top are not changing at all. Or does & have so good SEO specialists to keep them on top for all these years? It must be one of those.

The next three slots are (aka, and So what’s new here? Nothing much really in relation to the Google Penguin 2 update. Long term there isn’t much that has changed in here in the last 10 years really. What has changed is that Loadza has changed its domain name several times. They cannot seem to get it right really. that was 4th there is replaced by about a year or more ago when they came to our market. Monster is the 5th recruitment web site there for the last 10 years.
So in essence the top 5 results for the word “jobs” haven’t changed at all in the last Google Penguin 2 update.

Where the changes that did occur are on the bottom part of the search page. That is the space that in the last 10 years have been occupied mostly by the Irish start-up job boards or similar sites. FAS was always there somewhere. They did rebrand to SOLAS, but forgot to do it online. Hence is still there. Good old civil servants…

So what the Google Penguin 2 update did affect is the last 4 remaining slots the search results page fro the word “jobs”. You can say Google hasn’t changed much really. What we are going to look at is if the Google Penguin 2 update was good actually. Or is it a step back in the quality of the search results?

The bottom of the page of the search results for jobs has been occupied by start-up job boards. It always was a dynamic space. In the last 10 year, about 100 web sites appeared and disappeared from there. I can remember the first Irish Jobs Aggregator featuring there, and a long list of the site showing Irish jobs listings. There was one recruitment agency that made up there – in 2010 when the new web site was released. In this new update, dropped to 128 places, while their other site landed on a much better 53rd slot. Is there a hint that got hit by the Google Penguin 2 update? Most likely from the way it is ranking now.

It is still quite strange that no other recruitment agency got listed on the first page for the word “jobs” there ever, isn’t it?

So what did Google Penguin 2 update replaced the Irish start-ups with? – one job aggregator. Well, it is the only .com web site here. It actually does have jobs aggregated from sites like and similar. Some Irish recruitment agencies as well. The overall quality of the jobs advertised (content) if poor. A large number of jobs are taken down from the sites they are originally published on anyway, and the whole set of jobs is a really poor representation of the list of active jobs in Ireland. In essence a really poor experience for a job seeker. – a UK newspaper publisher. Note that any link you click on that site it brings you to their UK web site ( This results-driven by the backlinks from their newspaper releases is so wrong that it actually reminds of the Yahoo style paid search result placements from the end of the last century. It is pointless and out of place. It is no good to a Google visitor. There are simply a handful of jobs listed there on some UK newspaper web site. – The page with the HTML Title: Jobs at “Twitter –San Francisco”. San Francisco??? A search result to someone looking for a job in Ireland in Google? Don’t you have a Google Maps division? Or do you want us all to emigrate? What’s the story there? What kind of a (crap) search result is that? Or did the Google Penguin 2 algorithm value a social media sites results “a bit” too much so the results from the social media are going to creep into any search we make?

So to conclude what have the Google Penguin 2 update brought us? It removed Irish start-ups and replaced them with what can be the best described irrelevant search results. In their own vocabulary, they call it SPAM. Luckily for us, this only affects the bottom part of the page. The “under the fold” stuff. The top part of the page wasn’t affected by the latest update.

How did your site ranking feature in the Google Penguin 2 update last week? If you are stuck give the SEO Consultant a shout!

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Recruitment Advertising Workshop

Great Recruitment Advertising Workshop event organised by Stephen Harrington Recruitment Manager: Sales | Marketing | Multi-Lingual @ Allen Recruitment. Here is the original announcement:

When and Where:
Aviva Stadium, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4 – Vavasour Suite, registration at main reception.
Wednesday 24th April, from 8.45 to 11.30am
Enter via entrance A on Lansdowne Road
Car park is situated on Lansdowne Road

Who is attending?
Confirmed attendees include Jonathan Campbell (Social Talent), James Mailley (Monster), Jennifer Bray Kennedy (TMP), Ivan Stojanovic (, Lynne Rooney (LinkedIn) and many more from many or Irelands best known companies.

The Format
We will run two sessions, in each one there will be four discussions happening at the same time. There will be no presentations, each discussion will be started by the discussion leader but after that, the conversation will go where ever the participants want it to. You can join in at any time by providing details of your own experiences or asking questions. If you find that one discussion is not so relevant to you, you can simply get up and join another one mid-way through!

The agenda:

8.45-9.10 Registration, Tea/Coffee and Pastries

9.10-9.20 Welcome by Brian Cunningham, MD Allen Recruitment

Session 1

Job Boards
When to use job boards, which ones should you use, quality applicant’s v quantity, filtering applicants?
Career Websites
Effectively advertising on your own careers site, employer branding, SEO, getting candidates on to your site
Alternatives to advertising
Searching for candidates directly (Boolean, xray etc), referrals, networking, job board databases
Start your own discussion
This is a break out area where anyone is free to start another topic that is relevant to them!


Session 2

Job Boards
Getting the most from these, how people find jobs on job boards, getting your jobs to the top of the lists
Advertising Master class
How to measure success, getting your adverts noticed, the psychology behind advertising, what we can take from advertising in other industries and apply to recruitment.
Referral’s and Networking
Referrals, Networking, social networks & Talent Pooling
Start your own discussion
This is a break out area where anyone is free to start another topic that is relevant to them!

Well done again and thanks for the Allen Recruitment “cube”!

Career CV Database Job Site Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency

Recruitment Consultant job by the SAON Group

Here is a new job for the Recruitment Consultant advertised by the SAON Group (

Resourcer/Recruitment Consultant


Saongroup operates online recruitment websites for recruiters and career seekers across four continents – Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas – and websites live in 29 countries. The Group also includes Candidate Manager, a leading provider of recruitment management software. has been headquartered in Dublin, Ireland since its foundation in 1995.

In March, and launched a new service, TalentScout, which in addition to advertising vacancies on and now gives their large corporate client base access to a Headhunting and Candidate Filtering service.

Due to the successful launch and client reaction to TalentScout we are now looking to expand the team and we feel that this position would be well suited to a candidate who is currently employed as a Recruitment Consultant. This is an excellent opportunity to progress your career with Saongroup, a company that is internationally recognised as a Market Leader in the online recruitment space. The role offers an excellent commission and bonus structure with a rapid path to promotion for the right candidate.

Job responsibilities:-

  • Conduct telephone interviews
  • Use innovation in attracting staff to include networking, headhunting, and database search.
  • Post vacancies on all available media and identify new media to source applicants.
  • Manage and filter incoming applicants
  • Create application forms and screening questions
  • Liaise with Account Managers and Sales Manager regularly on progress of open roles

Skills required:


  • At least 2 years’ experience in recruitment
  • Expertise in sourcing via headhunting and social media required
  • Human Resources or Business related degree desirable. CIPD qualification an advantage
  • A proven ability to build strong client relationships
  • Tenacity to develop new business, both face to face & on the phone
  • A record of success in a highly results driven environment
  • Track record of achieving monthly revenue targets
  • Great time management, computer proficiency and excellent communication skills
  • Proficiency in using Salesforce or equivalent CRM
  • Experience with applicant tracking systems is useful
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, rapidly-changing environment
Location Dublin 2 (Dublin Centre, IE)
Payment Not Disclosed
Category HR / Recruitment, Sales – €35k+
Terms Permanent, Full-time
Last updated 15/04/2013
Contact Denise Hannon
Career Internet Job Site Recruitment Recruitment Agency

Adecco Ireland & my iPhone 6

My Adecco goodies arrived in the post today thanks to the good people of Adecco Ireland.

Thanks, this will get my “iPhone 6” safe!

Adecco Ireland iPhone 6

Job Site LinkedIN Recruitment Social Networks Social Recruitment

How to use LinkedIn Skills Endorsements for Recruitment?

How to make sense of the LinkedIn Skills Endorsements?

LinkedIn Skills Endorsements is not the first time the Skills have been implemented as a part of a personal LinkedIn Profile. Some iterations had a self-scoring of out to 5 or 10 skills. Then just a pure 50 word skills. The current way the skills are implemented is by far the best I the whole history of LinkedIn! Why?


What you say about yourself in your LinkedIn profile if more often than not a TRUE reflection of you. Your LinkedIn profile as your CV or a resume is a reflection of the portion of you that you want to show to the hiring manager of your next dream job. If that is not the case, we need to talk about it!

What your LinkedIn connections tell about you, by clicking on your Skills listed tells a whole different picture about you. In most cases the far more accurate one than the rest of your LinkedIn Profile.

How to use LinkedIn Skills Endorsements for Recruitment?

The challenge is to assess what endorsements are really valid ones, and what ones are the result of the gamification LinkedIn have created in this Skills environment. What it means is that all the skills endorsements are not the same (value).

Here is How to analyse the value of the LinkedIn Endorsement

It is quite similar to the Google PageRank algorithm actually. The more people have endorsed my skill “X”, the more valuable is my endorsement given to someone else for the same skill. Why? The more endorsements I got for a certain skill, the more likely is that I actually know about it. The more I know about the skill the more valid my endorsement for the same skill is.

Career Internet Job Site Jobs LinkedIN Recruitment

Recruiting a Pope on LinkedIn

An interesting job post I Stumbled Upon,… (not really, I saw it on Mashable). It is for a Pope. Is it a good job spec? I’ll let you be the judge of it yourself:


Are Recruiters any different than Irish Economists?

In the video below David McWilliams talks about the Irish economists (and the average punters!). He talks how we humans make decisions completely irrationally. Both the masses and the professionals – Economists.

It just stuck me how applicable is this to the Recruitment Industry. Regardless of all the recruitment processes we have implemented the decision who gets a job or not is at the end down to a human.

Just remember to replace the Economist with the Recruiter while watching the video below and see how applicable it is!

Do you still believe in the rejection,…. oops sorry – selection process?

Internet Job Site LinkedIN Recruitment SEO Social Networks Social Recruitment

New LinkedIn Profile is good (for Recruiters)!

The LinkedIn haven’t really updated the Profile section for far too long time. It becomes a bit archaic in fact, so a new profile is really welcome. It is far easier to read and more importantly scan, as we consume the web sites. It also tells you far more about the person than the any older LinkedIn Profile version did.

One feature that really helps the recruiter to assess the potential candidate from his LinkedIn profile is the ability to quickly assess the candidate’s connections. You have a choice to display the connections by:

  • Company
  • School
  • Location
  • Industry

By looking at the graphical representation of your LinkedIn connections grouped by and industry the recruiter can quickly get what type of people the candidate is connected to on the social network.

It tells a lot about the person when you can see what schools are the people his connections are from. What companies do the candidate’s contacts work for is priceless. Location and industry profiles of the candidates LinkedIn contacts just add to the complete picture of a candidate.

All this data combined gives you very quickly a profile of the candidate’s connections. This data can help a recruiter profile a candidate much better than by just looking at a very static data, a document like a CV or the (old) LinkedIn profile.

Where LinkedIn could improve the display is in including what the number represents as opposed to displaying just the number of the connections in each group. It is annoying to have to put a mouse over each circle to find out what company or country the contacts are from. A tag cloud would be far more usefully display. A company name printed and on mouse over the exact number of the connections in that company? Would you agree?

Blogs Career Jobs Recruitment

JobBridge could only work if…

With JobBridge in the news again I couldn’t resist to clearly put myself in the ranks of those who are against it. Not like the Socialist Pary members like Paul Murphy MEP who writes JobBridge to nowhere! (I like the article!), but quite close to it. The internship scheme is a good idea and could work quite well if done right. The one we have today is very, very far from it. It is no surprise it is causing such all these troubles for the government, with the majority of people expressing themselves unusually vocally about it. And the majority of the votes are the NO votes for the national internship programme.

The internship programme could actually work well. If… If the rules are set right. Imagine that a company can ONLY get an intern if the intern will be doing exactly what the company specialises in, and if the intern will learn skills during the internship that will make him the very attractive hire for the same company he got an internship from? To put this in real life example the rules should look somewhat like this:

1. No internships for the jobs that are paid minimum wage (by that same company). Why? The government has a chance to get unemployed placed in the job and it should aim highest possible paid ones.
2. Internship can be offered where the work performed is one of the core skills of the company. A marketing company can have a marketing intern, not a web designer. A web design company can have a web designer as an intern, not a marketing person. Why? Simply because the internship is there for the intern to learn.
3. Strictly no receptionist, admin, PA, and similar internships.
4. A company must provide a Mentor for the intern. Such a mentor should prove he/she will dedicate 10% of the working time to the Intern for the training. A mentor must be a senior staff member (in years of experience) and have the skills relevant to the internship.

The internship should be exactly the same as the initial training a new hire gets in the first few months on the job. It would give the company an extended period to test and try the intern before they make a hire. A trained intern after 6 months of the internship should be a far more interesting hire than a new candidate since the company has already invested in the intern who is ready to start the work immediately (or has been doing it for the months already).

Wouldn’t this make far more sense than the Internship programme we have today?

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What is The Recruitment Unconference?

What is a recruitment conference? We all know the answer to that. It is a large meeting where a number of people (one by one) speak to the group. There are short breaks in between speakers, for the people get a coffee and network.

Who comes to the conference?

Speakers – are people presenting. Salespeople presenting how their solutions, products or services changed the industry for the better.

Delegates – people who sit, listen, take notes and have coffee in the breaks. Delegates are quite often people who are looking for a new job. They look around what else is there. Some attendees are there because they are sent there by their employers. They have to attend one or two of those a year. You can see them leaving quickly after the last presentation, to catch some time off for an afternoon shopping or something alike.

What is Recruitment Unconference?

Recruitment Unconference is a gathering of recruiters with the social media rules applied. There are no speakers. There are no delegates. Just recruiters who can behave as they do in the social media: lead conversations, contribute, listen, move to another room/topic, network or just have a coffee. Yes, there is a coffee here as well!

It is list Facebook or Twitter really. Everyone can talk about anything they want to really. Everyone can listen (follow/connect) whoever they choose. Anyone can comment, contribute and even ‘take over’ the conversation. Anyone can change the topic. Anyone can. And everyone is invited to do exactly that! Everyone is asked to contribute. Everyone’s opinion is asked for in a discussion on every topic he is physically present at.

Now that we know what the Recruitment Unconference is, let’s check on how the most popular one actually functions in the recruitment industry. This brings us to its founder @BillBoorman and his unconference events taking place around the globe. They are called TRU for The Recruitment Unconference. After the three characters, there is a name of the city or country the event is in. So you have TRULondon, TRUDublin and similar. If an event is held multiple times in the same city the name also gets a number Like TruDublin4. This is to form a hashtag for Twiter. Why is Twitter important? Well, the usual ways of communication like email and phone are one to one or one to many (mailing lists). The Unconference is different because everyone is welcomed to contribute. So social media is a place to look for any info (or post any info!) about the recruitment unconference.

Since the recruiters who attend the unconference are (in most cases) the natural users of the social media, they post their thoughts especially on the Twitter, as it is the fastest channel, in real-time during the unconference. They all use the hashtag so it is really simple to follow what anyone is tweeting about. That usually is a reflection on what is spoken about. You can usually follow multiple discussions from the same conference at the same time. What is the best about it is that anyone on Twitter can contribute to those discussions by using the same unconference hashtag. This makes the discussions leave the room and go out to social media. There the discussions get the life of their own.

The format that Bill has made for this TRU events is the following. There is a quick opening. The bigger the conference the quicker it is, since the larger the crowd is the harder it is to keep them quiet. Remember those are not your Delegates. These people are here to participate.


Bill usually announces the tracks (topics) that will be discussed in different rooms. He also announces who is the track leader for each topic. That is usually an expert in that field. Or a recruiter who wants to share the recent experience with some new tool used for the recruitment, and ask for feedback. Depending on the size of the unconference there are usually 3 tracks running in parallel. They are held in separate rooms. Anyone can choose any track and even move to another track whenever they choose. Bill himself would for example move quite often from a track to track, hopping from a conversation to another and contributing to each one he hops in. Sometimes he would also bring the relevant points being made in another track that is happening in parallel.

As social media is not for everyone, the recruitment unconference is not for everyone as well. Some people prefer to be delegates rather than to participate. Social is not for everyone. The anti-social or traditional conference is not for everyone as well. People discovered they can apply the social media rules to the conference and that some types of conferences the social conference or the unconference is a much better format. Hence the recruitment unconference TRU that @BillBoorman started 5 years ago in London has spread to a long list of counties on different continents. Recruiters themselves found the unconference format to work better than the speaker-delegate format. Not all of the recruiters that is. But the recruiters that understood the social media and found the way how to use it for recruitment.

The #TRU in the City near YOU!

The recruitment unconference, the #TRU will come to the city near you if it didn’t already. You will not find a flyer in your post with a list of fabulous speakers. There is not even a list of delegates. To be honest not even flashing your own business card is a welcome gesture. Connection on LinkedIn and Facebook or Follow on Twitter is on the other hand. If you are a delegate type, trust me, it’s not for you. Where you will find about #TRU is in the social media channels, and there only. On Bill’s Blog as well. And from there to hashtags on Twitter. While I am writing this the #TruHelsinki is on right now. Guess what it is all on social media in real-time as well. You can follow it here:!/search/?q=%23TruHelsinki&src=hash.

If you like what you see there we will see you soon at #TRU. If not, that’s OK too.

Career Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment Search Engine will let you find the job 3 times faster than Irish Jobs site! will let you wind the page 3 times faster than Irish Jobs site!

There is plenty of job sites in Ireland. Each of them has plenty of jobs. Most of the jobs are the same on the job sites. So what site to choose? Perhaps the one with the most jobs? Perhaps the one you find shows the best results? Jobs most relevant to you? Jobs advertised by the employers you like? There is plenty of choices when it comes to job sites in Ireland.

There is one thing to consider. It is the speed of the job site. If you visit it regularly, the more important it is. Will you wait for 10 seconds to see the jobs you want? Will you wait for 10 seconds every time you visit the site? Not if you can avoid it, and not if there are faster sites that will let you browse or search the jobs a few times quicker.

Here is the sample of the and web sites. The speed load comparison is done by

Why wait for your job forever? Visit today and register for the daily new jobs now!