Career Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment Social Recruitment is dead

After a few years the recruitment website, run by a large newspaper publisher in Ireland – Independent News and Media, have disappeared from the web.

What replaced it is jet another recruitment web site. It is called Recruiters used to call the old one ‘Loadza’ form, so I am getting this new one will be called ‘Finda’. So what does have that was better than Loadza? At a first glance, it is not as nice. The colours and graphics are far from the quality Loadza had. On the other hand – there is far less distractive advertising, so it is easier to read. Being own by a newspaper company, it is likely they will try to monetize the space on the pages, and fill pages with blinking advertisements again. Which would be a pity actually. What is a big step for a recruitment web site in Ireland – the has gone into the Social Recruitment! On the home page – there is a lint to a Social Networking sites: LinkedIN, Twitter, Facebook and Google+! Although most of the customer oriented web sites have those for years, this is a big step for an Irish Recruitment site especially the one owned by the newspapers. Although the global recruitment sites are frantically trying to find the way how to get into the social space (Remember the Monster’s BeKnown?), the Iris ones have tried to ‘protect their turf’ for years now.

So how is Loadza,…. oops actually doing in this Social recruitment space.

The Facebook link is linking to their Facebook profile, the LinkedIN to some LinkedIN group. The link to twitter is to their Twitter profile and the Google+ shows the number of people that clicked on it so far. That is all well. And let us check the success of it all so far:

Facebook: 941 likes
LinkedIN Group: 5 members
Twitter: 15 followers
Google+: 10 likes

The numbers show that didn’t really get any traction in the social media space. 941 likes on LinkedIN could be called a success, but the listed ‘Likes’ are from:,, and similar. More can be seen when one would log in into the Facebook site. Is it surprising the Social Media reach is so limited from a company that runs a traditional Newspaper business? You be the judge of that yourself.