Jobs Recruitment Search Engine SEO

Jobs Ireland (

I started working on a new job site this month. It is called Jobs Ireland and is hosted on a domain It is early days rally. Today it is a ‘Job Board in the Nappies’, but some of the ideas that are coded now actually look like the interesting features for the end users.

Jobs Ireland Usability

In general the job boards in Ireland tend to suffer from the ‘over development’ while a new feature is built onto the existing code every now and then. After some time all those ‘extra’ features tend to overshadow the main features of the jobs board. The results that it is hard to find out how to simply apply for a job. Starting fresh with Jobs Ireland the aim is to get a set of features that are useful to the job hunters and stick to that set of features, without adding more and more. This is all to help job hunters to simply find the job they want and enable them to simply and quickly apply to it. Effortlessly is the word to use here really.

Jobs Ireland Speed

Another aspect I am also interested to look into while developing this site is the speed. The job boards have a clear problem with the speed for the two reasons:
1. Too many jobs slow the databases behind the jobs sites
2. Too many marketing messages and advertising sold as banners make the pages ‘heavy’

The aim with the Jobs Ireland is to make it fast as a web site should be. I started measuring the speed of the job site from the day one, before a single job was published, and am testing it as it is populated with the jobs. Initially just after the Jobs Ireland site was first installed I populated the database with 50 000 jobs and have run the speed test. The results did not show much difference with a ‘full’ and completely ‘empty’ database. That is the target I am working towards with the live jobs now as well.

By Ivan |

Ivan A. Stojnanovic
Founder of Portal Ltd.
MD of and

2 replies on “Jobs Ireland (”

Just found the site. Very nice. And quick. Lovely architecture and has a different “look” to it than all the other Irish job boards. Also, wonderful inventory of jobs on there. How are you getting them? Aggregating? What’s your traffic like?

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