Jobs Recruitment

Recruitment Roadshow 2008

When you get stuck with a job for many years, and you are good at it, in time you will become an expert. If you are passionate about your job and like it, you will explore and find ways of improving it. You will talk to other people in the industry and get to the forefront of the innovation.

Or is it just me?

One way or the other, I have spent my last 5 years in managing online recruitment web sites. It drove me into the whole search engine optimisation (SEO) industry, and all kind the online recruitment related disciplines like multiple job posting, developing of the clients recruitment agency web sites and in general consultancy for the Irish recruiters. Combining the knowledge gathered and the relevant experience gave me a clear picture where the recruitment in Ireland currently is, and where is it going. Comparing it with the UK market is a natural thing, but the American and Japanese are actually today about a year more advanced, and better ‘describe’ our Irish future.

I have spent years training recruiters on how to use all kinds of various online recruitment tools. From the early job boards like and aggregators like to the I run today. Then came blogs, then came social networking, really simple syndication, mash-ups of all those and as well the!

Online recruitment has changed in the last 12 months more than it have ever before. It is perhaps only comparable to the ‘restructuring’ in the recruitment industry ranks after the bubble burst.

The questions that every recruiter is asking today are:
1. Where to get the candidates?
2. Why don’t I get as much CVs or applications from the job boards?
3. Where is the quality of the applications (gone)?
4. Where should I advertise?
5. Should I use LinkedIN? How?
6. If every search begins in Google, why is Google AdWords so bad (expensive) for the recruitment? What are the alternatives?

To answer all those, I set down and prepared a presentation:

Recruitment Roadshow 2008

I will held presentations in various shapes and forms in a number of the recruitment agencies in Dublin, Cork, Limmerick, Gallway, Waterford and … during this last few days in May and the whole June. Still a few days available in the mid June. The next round will start at the mid September 2008, so book early at 01 440 1900!

By Ivan |

Ivan A. Stojnanovic
Founder of Portal Ltd.
MD of and

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