CV CV Database Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine Hacked

When there is a very negative press articles about our competition, we decided not to comment them. Here s one from the Irish Times, about the Web site being hacked. It happened to Monster and only a few months ago. And now is hacked as well. Unfortunately the bad news like this […]

Blogs Jobs Recruitment Search Engine SEO

Job Boards and SEO in Ireland

Year 2008 started funny for the Job Boards in Ireland. Job boards started understanding that the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the core of their business. The reason the big job boards understood the y need to invest in SEO is because the year 2007 was the year where a largest number of the niche […]

Blogs Jobs Recruitment

Web 2.0 Recruitment

The recruitment industry is changing. To stay on top any recruiters has to in one way or the other follow the change, since the ‘old’ recruitment model will soon simple disappear in most industries. The Web 2.0 Recruitment will differ greatly from the traditional recruitment in the aspect of the recruitment advertising and searching and […]